Values and Vision
Values Statement
It is our desire to honor Christ through our service on His behalf. To that end, we will serve with the qualities we most value: integrity, grace, excellence, relevance, authenticity, passion, humility, faith, inclusivity, commitment, joy and love.
Vision Statement
The Gate Church of the High Desert exists to Redeem People and Renew Creation by Making Disciples, Creating Community and Revealing the Kingdom of God in the Victor Valley through Compassionate Evangelism, Christian Education, Corporate Edification and Cultural Engagement.
It is our desire to honor Christ through our service on His behalf. To that end, we will serve with the qualities we most value: integrity, grace, excellence, relevance, authenticity, passion, humility, faith, inclusivity, commitment, joy and love.
Vision Statement
The Gate Church of the High Desert exists to Redeem People and Renew Creation by Making Disciples, Creating Community and Revealing the Kingdom of God in the Victor Valley through Compassionate Evangelism, Christian Education, Corporate Edification and Cultural Engagement.
Identity and Initiative
Identity and Initiative
The Gate Church is committed to be …
Word Based
It is our mission to live and operate in accordance with God's Holy Word. It is the standard for life and fruitfulness. We are convinced that a proper understanding of God's Word enables us to hear the voice of the Spirit clearly and find our way forward in the plans and purposes of God. Our mission is to faithfully uphold God's Word as the lamp to our feet and the light for our pathway!
Presence Driven
It is our mission to do all that we do from within the presence of God. There is peace and covering when living and operating in His presence. Our mission is to function from this place as well as to take His presence into the various spheres of life in culture and society.
Spirit Led
It is our mission to be led by the Spirit of God in all that we do to bring glory to the Father. Prayer and the prophetic are essential in discovering how to move forward in the plans and purposes of God. We endeavor to hear and obey!
Service Oriented
It is our mission to serve the body of Christ as well as the community around us. Through the love of Christ, we intend to reach out to those in need of Jesus by serving them in practical ways. Our mission is to convert the church to a servant lifestyle and to convert the world to a kingdom lifestyle.
The Gate Church is committed to be …
Word Based
It is our mission to live and operate in accordance with God's Holy Word. It is the standard for life and fruitfulness. We are convinced that a proper understanding of God's Word enables us to hear the voice of the Spirit clearly and find our way forward in the plans and purposes of God. Our mission is to faithfully uphold God's Word as the lamp to our feet and the light for our pathway!
Presence Driven
It is our mission to do all that we do from within the presence of God. There is peace and covering when living and operating in His presence. Our mission is to function from this place as well as to take His presence into the various spheres of life in culture and society.
Spirit Led
It is our mission to be led by the Spirit of God in all that we do to bring glory to the Father. Prayer and the prophetic are essential in discovering how to move forward in the plans and purposes of God. We endeavor to hear and obey!
Service Oriented
It is our mission to serve the body of Christ as well as the community around us. Through the love of Christ, we intend to reach out to those in need of Jesus by serving them in practical ways. Our mission is to convert the church to a servant lifestyle and to convert the world to a kingdom lifestyle.